香味的黑暗秘密- 關於生殖系統病變以及環境污染


香味的黑暗秘密- 關於生殖系統病變以及環境污染


揭開熱門香水中化學分子的黑暗秘密- 你是受害者之一嘛?




1. 在國外或國內的化妝品法規中對於香精的法規可說是漏網之魚, 所謂的標明妝品全成分中並不包括"香精"的內含物. 而許多大廠視香精的調配配方為秘密, 根本不可能公佈!

2. 人是食物鏈中的一環, 別以為你所用在皮膚上的香味或是所謂的"短暫接觸"或許不會被人體吸收...但最可怕的是對環境中鳥類魚類的毒害. 一堆病變的鳥或是變性的魚不知道該找誰討公道!

3. 這次做的化驗結果果中幾個有名牌子的香水以及保養品都赫然在列...沒有驗出來的是因為未超過"標準值" 但不代表"沒有" ! 這也點出了香精香料界的黑幕.這次只是先拿香水開刀罷了~ 

題外話: 拿香水以及保養品開刀只是冰山一角. 市售保養品當中使用的香料比例了不起 0.5% ... 坊間的DIY保養品以及手工皂比這個多更多哩~

關於用於稀釋精油的溶劑部分可以參考這篇 精油的稀釋   因為大部分人買精油都是薰香或是稀釋按摩...比例比起使用在保養品中的香味高出很多很多.

當你買了一罐香精或是稀釋的精油, 其實很可能一不小心變成無知的受害者以及環境加害者! 文中所提的鄰苯二甲酸甲酯會殺死成年男性的精蟲, 且會讓新生兒的生殖系統產生病變(diethyl phthalate是常見的用於稀釋香料的溶劑, 除了能用於稀釋調和好的香味以外更能"定香"! (很shocking的是...不只是稀釋濃度的香精會加, 有些稀釋後的精油也會加.) ! 另外文中所提到的synthetic chemicals是指使用化學方式合成的香味, 最惡名昭彰的就是硝基麝香, 會造成人體荷爾蒙異常且因為分子大不易排出體外. 至於硝基麝香多常見呢? 下文引用自新聞報導...裡面有解答!! 其中有一款是非常熱賣的香水...熱賣到連Aroma年輕不懂事的時候都用過 冏oz







署禁止添加在化妝品有三種塑化劑,但是使用最多的DEP (鄰苯二甲酸二乙酯Diethyl phthalate)卻未列








香精內所含化學物質,對健康與環境的影響- 香水的檢測

【綠色和平組織調查報告】Published by GreenPeace International;Date February 2005
綠色和平組織抽查市面上36件不同品牌香水,發現35件(97%)含鄰苯二甲酸鹽phthalates塑化劑,特別是DEP(Diethyl Phthalate)。其中最高者Calvin Klein的Eternity for Woman(22439 mg/kg,2.2%)、Melvita的Iris Blue(11189mg/kg,1.1%)、Jean-Paul Gaultier的Le Male(9884 mg/kg,1%)。此外,有36件(100%)都添加了人工合成麝香,包括Dior的Poison(2 mg/kg)、Cartier的 Le Baiser Du Dragon(45048 mg/kg,4.5%)、Jean-Paul Gaultier的Le Male(64428 mg/kg,6.4%)、以及含量最多的The Body Shop的White Musk(94069 mg/kg,9.4 %)。


Shocking Report Reveals Secret Chemicals in Popular Perfumes, Is Yours One of them?

by Emma Grady, New York, NY on 05.13.10

Credit: EWG

Is the same cologne that's turning you on damaging your sperm? According to a new report released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, seventeen name brand perfume products were found to contain a "complex cocktail of natural essences and synthetic chemicals - often petrochemicals," including diethyl phthalate, a chemical linked to sperm damage in adult men and abnormal development of reproductive organs in baby boys. Lab results revealed an average of 14 chemicals secretly lurk in common fragrances; some of which have been linked to hormone disruption and allergic reactions while others have not even been assessed for safety in personal care products.

So whether you apply a dab of your mother's Chanel each morning or stroll by Abercrombie & Fitch's store on Fifth Ave in New York City--which you can smell from blocks away--this report is a must read:

Number of Chemicals Found in Common Fragrances Not Listed on the Label

Source: Environmental Working Group analysis of product labels and tests commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. Health risks from secret chemicals depend on the mixture in each product, the chemicals' hazards, that amounts that absorb into the body, and individual vulnerability to health problems. Caption and Image via EWG

Prior to World War II, the perfume industry used only natural methods and oils to craft fragrances. But due to the revolution in the chemical industry, it became dirt cheap--and dirty--to produce pleasant scents. Today we have fresh scents comprised of any number of the fragrance industry's 3,100 stock chemical ingredients. A perfume's exact concoction is kept secret from the consumer; This is made possible--and legal--due to a loophole in the Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1973--a little outdated, no? The Act requires companies to list ingredients on cosmetics, not fragrances.

Chemicals from perfumes, cosmetics, and personal care products are absorbed through the skin and inhaled with applied or sprayed. This pollution begins in the womb: a 2009 EWG study found synthetic musk chemicals Galaxolide and Tonalide in the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants.

Results for all Fragrance Ingredients Combined (Disclosed on Label or Revealed in Tests)

Source: EWG analysis of 91 chemicals in 17 products including 51 chemicals listed on product labels, and 38 unlabeled chemicals found in tests commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics combined with analysis of chemical hazard and toxicity data from government and industry assessments and the published scientific literature. Caption and Image via EWG


我們都在注意化妝品中有害人體的成分, 卻忽略的香精這一環...

The FDA does not have the authority to require manufactures to test cosmetics for safety; the $50 billion cosmetics industry is free to manufacture, market, and sell scents, body sprays, and aftershaves, that may cause health problems. The report reveals that the fragrance industry has published safety assessments for only 34% of the unlabeled ingredients: "Chemicals range from food additives whose safety in perfumes has not been assessed to chemicals with limited public safety data, such as synthetic musk fragrances, which accumulate in the human body and may be linked to hormone disruption."

題外話: 防曬...記得也要小心!! 要美也要美的健康阿~~

It is not only the hidden chemicals that are a concern, chemicals listed on labels raise safety concerns, too. According to the EWG analysis, such chemicals include sunscreen and ultraviolet-protector chemicals, linked to hormone disruption and 24 chemical sensitizers, that can cause allergic reactions.

The report concludes that "laws must be changed to require the chemicals in fragrance to be fully disclosed and publicly accessible on ingredient labels." Until then, we suggest avoiding fragrances when possible--try making your own perfume from flowers in your garden--and getting informed; Visit EWG Not So Sexy for details on specific products and to view the full report, which is 44 pages in length.